Applying uses and gratifications theory and social influence processes to understand students' pervasive adoption of social networking sites: Perspectives from the Americas. The researchers used wide-ranging survey data to collect and analyse the Malaysian youths' perspective of the social media advertising and results indicate that social media is a behavioural aspect. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Using Twitter in the Marketing and Advertising Classroom to Develop Skills for Social Media Marketin... A Systematic Review of Extant Literature in Social Media in the Marketing Perspective, L’importanza del web 2.0 nel marketing della ristorazione: il caso dei ristoranti di Pesaro e Urbino. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. find information about sales, deals, or products; find information on events, birthdays, and parties; and, 76 percent reported using social media to pa, This type of social media use was mentioned by 56 percent, This type of social media use was mentioned by 52 percent of, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Television in Politics: Its Uses and Influence, Testing the Validity of Gratification Measures. This paper seeks to provide a better and. Others mentioned, that they use social media for humor and comic reli, were “listening to jokes”, “reading comments and stuff makes me laugh”, and, “watching the crazies on Facebook, and how they, entertainment to me”. . Media is taken as a means to an end. Next, the authors independently read and review. Both individual and group needs are fulfilled by media. with friends via social networking platforms. Uses and gratifications theory was developed from a number of prior communication theories and research conducted by fellow theorists. Some of the entertainment activities reported were, playing games, listening to music, and watching videos. numerous times, the authors concluded on ten uses and gratifications themes. Uses and gratifications theory, which has its roots in the communications literature, can be an integral part of developing better scales and measurement instruments for social media marketers. Both individual and group needs are fulfilled by media. Influencer marketing: An exploratory study on the motivations of young adults to follow social media influencers. kids”, and they “look at stuff about others without them knowing about it”. The findings of the research show a positive correlation between the factors of accountability (existence of official page, responsive query system, fast delivery and review system) and the level of satisfaction perceived by the consumers. Introduction Contemporary communications studies devote more and more time and space towards examining the audience as active participants who consciously choose what media and media contents to use with the intention of serving specific needs. and motives for posting negative eWOM. and Johnson, T.J. (2002), “Online and in the know: uses and gratifications of the web, Ko, H., Cho, C.H. over the marketing context especially in the light of the fact that only a small number of studies have been reviewed and conducted in this area. 5. Papacharissi and Rubin (2000) had a construct called convenience for, advertising. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. The findings from the in-depth interviews provide a very rich and, comprehensive understanding of why consumers util, can help businesses to more effectively market to and communicate with its exis, The current study identifies ten uses and gratifications for using. We expected contextual age, unwillingness to communicate, social presence, and Internet motives to predict outcomes of Internet exposure, affinity, and satisfaction. as a source of entertainment. Based on these findings, the paper highlights recommendations for stakeholders for engaging with citizen science topics. Keywords: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Social Media, Uses and gratification theory. Bu amaç doğrultusunda araştırma korelasyon model ile desenlenmiştir. January 6, 2016. by Steven Geer. Emotion, pleasure, feelings [72] Media Examples: Gratificatoons argue that it instead is more of an approach to … (1979), “Uses and gratifications and exposure to public television”. In Study 1, the relationship between electronic surveillance and intimacy, commitment, marital satisfaction, interpersonal interaction, self-efficacy on SNSs, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use were tested in a group of 360 adults. Using the uses How does trust affect consumer attitudes and recall in mobile advertising? Applying uses and gratifications theory (UGT), this study examined consumers’ use of one of four social networking sites (SNSs): Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, for following brands, and their influence on brand community-related outcomes. Uses for gratifications theory takes a more humanistic approach to looking at media use. Several of the respondents actually used the word, responses such as “it is convenient and accessible anytime and anywhere”. role of social media content in facilitating engagement behaviour within a social media context. Communicatory utility, helps facilitate communication instead of providing, This category of social media usage is defined, to individuals. Media is taken as a means to an end. If there are any effects, these are consciously or at least actionaly intended. He suggested that television could be used structurally Ñ as an (Eds) (1974), Miranda, S.M. Proposing uses and gratification, Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch (1974) hypothesized that audience members are conscious when selecting media, are able to identify their reasons for choosing media, and motives for media use are shaped by audiences’ particular social and psychological characteristics. Uses and gratifications theory, which has its … Bulmer and Katz believe that there is not merely one way that the populace uses media. Some of their comments were “it is relaxing to go through profiles”, “looking on, Facebook does not take any thought”, “it is an escape from reality”, and “it takes, my mind off things”. 1. This chapter proposes a theoretical model that combines elements of the Uses and Gratifications and the Social Networks approaches so as to explicate patterns of media use, The findings can help both companies and influencers improve their social media marketing strategy. This chapter proposes a theoretical model that combines elements of the Uses and Gratifications and the Social Networks approaches so as to explicate patterns of media use, As such, researchers seek to explain ... social uses of television. Five major motivations for me- the social media accounts for the film and believed the Facebook and Instagram accounts were the strongest of the three. However, the potential influence of advertisements via these new platforms should be considered by clinicians and policymakers, given their potential role in the formation of this behavioral addiction. Some study participa, that they advertise their business on Facebook and some mentioned that they. information sharing: an exploratory study of determinants”, Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M. (2010), “Users of the world, unite! Kaçış boyutunda dışa dönüklük ve öz denetimliliğin, oyalanma boyutunda ise dışa dönüklük, deneyime açıklık, haftalık izlediği dijital oyun yayıncı sayısı ve haftalık dijital oyun yayını izleme süresinin anlamlı birer değişken olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Papacharissi, Z. and Rubin, A.M. (2000), “Predictors of internet use”, Smith, K.T. Araştırma sonucu önceki araştırmalar(Hamilton ve diğerleri, 2014;Scholz, 2012;Chen, 2011;Pai ve Arnott, 2013;Papacharissi ve Mendelson, 2010, ... Bu bulgu dijital oyun yayını izleyicilerinin haftalık dijital oyun yayını izleme süreleri arttığında vakit geçirme amacı ile platformda uzun süre kalmaları yayın izleme motivasyonlarının oyalanma boyutunu artırmış olabilir. approaches that associate uses, user profiles with particular media and genres of activity. USES-AND-GRATIFICATIONS PERSPECTIVE ON MEDIA EFFECTS ... Dec 18, 2008, Media Effects : Advances in Theory and Research Taylor & Francis, Hoboken, ISBN: 9780203877111. perspective stresses individual use and choice. With the heavy traffic and technological capabilities, SNS offers remarkable gratifications to its users, but there is a lack of knowledge about how gratifications play a role in usage intention and whether there are other factors that influence this relationship. In the present study, we argue that desire for fame should motivate SNS use for fame-seeking behavior. 3. This study examines how social media pages can be used to influence potential applicants’ attraction. One The findings suggest that consumers who have high information motivations are more likely to engage in human-message interaction on a Web site, whereas social interaction motivations are more strongly related to human-human interaction. Uses and gratifications theory, which refers to the “how” and “why” of media use, serves as an appropriate theoretical framework for examining the uses of SNS. Results ( N = 297) indicated Snapchat users scored highest for passing time, sharing problems, and improving social knowledge, while Instagram users … Veri toplama aracı olarak beş faktör kişilik yapıları ölçeği, Twitch kullanıcılarının motivasyonları ölçme araçları ve kişisel bilgiler formu kullanılmıştır. Individuals will choose different social media based on their Only in the durable good sample is attitude toward brand a mediating variable in linking attitude toward mobile advertising and mobile campaign recall. share information in order to market themselves. feedback on this project indicated that their skills in social media marketing, digital marketing and personal branding were improved. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. By applying uses and gratifications theory, this paper will explore and discuss the uses and gratifications that consumer receive from using social media. Advanced. While, widely used in other disciplines, uses and gratifications theory can, Among the uses and gratifications frameworks available in the literature, this study, focused on four: Palmgreen and Rayburn’s (1979), Korgaonk, (1979) scale was selected because it was the first to look at both uses and gratifica, simultaneously and because it looked at television viewing which is somewhat, similar in nature to social media. watching a specific programme), from familiarity with a genre within the medium (e.g. Surveillance is one of the motives for social network use. By applying uses and gratifications theory, this paper will explore and discuss the uses and gratifications that consumer receive from using social media. The basic premise of uses and gratifications theory is that individuals seek out media that fulfill their needs and leads to ultimate gratification (Lariscy, Tinkham, & Sweetser, 2011). Guided by the uses and gratifications theory and employing the Political Media Gratifications Scale, the authors examine these constructs in terms of emergent generational differences. The medium that provides the most satisfaction for a person will be used more often than other types. (2009), “Reality television programming and diverging gratifications: the influence, Gil-Or, O. individuals use media to satisfy particular needs has been the Uses and Gratifications (U&G) Theory. Not only does such word-of-mouth (WOM) influence impact on consumer behaviour and perceptions, but its impact is greater than that of traditional marketing communications. Uses and Gratifications Theory and its Connection to Public Relations. Twitters Impact on Sports Media Relations, THE UTILISATION OF SOCILA MEDIA PLATFORMS FOR TELEVISION BROADCAST: CASE STUDY OF CHANNELS TELEVISION IN NIGERIA, Evolving Role of Social Network Site Facebook in Pedagogy Laikipia University, SOCIAL MEDIA AND HUMAN RIGHTS PROMOTION IN GHANA: A STUDY OF AGONA WEST MUNICIPALITY. The uses and gratifications (U&G) approach provides a theoretical framework to study motivations for media use (Blumler, Katz, & Gurevitch, 1974). This study tested a discrepancy model constrasting gratifications sought from television in general with gratifications respondents perceived they obtained (or would obtain) from public television. They describe their construct as a facilitator of interpe, actions and its usefulness in terms of conversationa, from the previously discussed social interaction construct. In this article, I argue just the opposite, and any Korgaonkar, P.K. The UGT framework has been used to explain how and why people actively seek specific types of media (Palmgreen et al., Türkçe Öğretmenlerinin Karşılaştıkları Sorunların, Sorunlara Yönelik Eleştiri ve Önerilerin Sosyal Medya Üzerinden İncelenmesi, The Use of Social Media: An Exploratory Study of Usage among Digital Natives, Online and In the Know: Uses and Gratifications of the Web for Political Information, How Mobile Advertising Works: The Role of Trust in Improving Attitudes and Recall. Purpose – This paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of uses and gratifications theory to social media. 1 Indeed, WOM has been demonstrated to influence awareness, expectations, perceptions, attitudes. The application of uses and gratification, social media helps explain the many and varied, social media. However, it’s relevance in social media cannot be understated; millions of people use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and countless other social … Information sharing is defined as using social media to. Additionally, the results suggest that these seven factors, along with age, income, gender, and education levels, are significantly correlated with the three usage contexts. With progress in sensor technologies and IoT, our cities and neighbourhoods are increasingly sensed, measured and observed. gratifications theory is ripe for future research involving new media and that such research “might best occur within the context of an individual’s total media envi- ronment” (p. 83). Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. gratifications in the use of social media, personality differences, and problematic social media use (PSMU). Araştırma sonucu önceki araştırmalar. Based on uses and gratifications theory, it provides a model for how an organisation can stimulate positively valenced engagement behaviour through social media and dissuade negatively valenced engagement behaviour in this forum. Purpose – This paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of uses and gratifications theory to social media. Social media is a communication mechanism that allows users to communicate with thousands, and perhaps billions, of individuals all over the world (Williams et al., 2012). Uses and gratifications theory has, also been used extensively within the study of politics and the dissemination of, political messages (Blumler and McQuail, 1969; McLeod and Becker, 1974). Di fronte a tale scenario di mutamento, emerso con evidenza e chiarezza nel comparto alberghiero (Pencarelli et Al., 2015), il presente contributo si pone come primo obiettivo quello di capire se e quanto questa dinamica possa essere estesa, in modo analogo, anche al comparto della ristorazione. This research suggests that gamblers at moderate risk or those experiencing gambling problems are more likely to be impacted by social media promotions, and these may play a role in exacerbating disordered gambling. Respondents stated that they use social media to get how-to-instruction, to get, stated that they use social media when they have idle time or when, and want something to do. Uses and Gratifications Theory states that the interaction between the media and viewers is complex because viewers interact and interpret media differently from others based on their emotions, agenda, and life experiences. He suggested that television could be used structurally Ñ as an Using a telephone survey of randomly selected voters from the general population, the authors sought to understand the interrelatedness of the use of the Internet as a political information source with perception of political participation, political information efficacy, and cynicism. Alamgir Hossain}, year={2019} } no longer supports Internet Explorer. The seven themes that will be discussed are: These themes will be explained in the following parag, Relying on uses and gratifications literature, this usage theme is defined, media to communicate and interact with others. From a theoretical perspective, the diversity of social media usage is noted in Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) research. Items in their scale included, when I have nothing better to do” and “to occupy my time”, This type of social media usage is defined as using, entertainment and enjoyment. Araştırmada verilerin toplanması sürecinde dijital oyun yayını izleyicilerine gönüllülük esasına uygun veri toplama aracı hem çevrimiçi formlar aracılığı ile hem de elden dağıtılarak uygulanmıştır. A factor analysis revealed 4 primary motivations for connecting to online political information: guidance information-seeking/surveillance, entertainment, and social utility. This factor is different from infor, previously discussed. This paper presents details for implementing a Twitter project in a digital marketing course as a means of closing these gaps. The analyses identified five motives for using the Internet and multivariate links among the antecedents and motives. selected because many previous studies have used this scale (Barton, 2009; Leung, 2007). surveillance and watching of others (20 percent). The model successfully predicted level of exposure to PTV content among respondents who made their own decisions concerning what programs to watch. Respondents reported that, social media “gives them something to talk about with friends”, gives them things to gossip about”. 8. 25 in-depth interviews were, – This study identified ten uses and gratifications for using social media. The uses and gratifications theory, developed by Elihu Katz and Jay Blumler, seeks to explain the relationship between an audience and how this audience uses the media. Different types of media compete against each other and against other sources of gratification for viewers’ attention.3. Furthermore, research findings evidently supported that social media use by youth is strengthening democratization in Pakistan. The themes will be discussed in the following paragraphs: seek out information. (2000), “The use of collaborative electronic media for. Bulmer and Katz believed that the user seeks out the media source that best fulfils their needs. – Exploratory study was conducted. In 1944, researchers began to look into the earliest forms of uses and gratifications with their work classifying the reasons for why people chose specific types of media. Refakat boyutunda yaş, dışa dönüklük, haftalık izlediği dijital oyun yayıncı sayısı ve haftalık dijital oyun yayını izleme süresinin, paylaşılan duygusal bağ boyutunda ise yaş, haftalık abone olduğu dijital oyun yayıncı sayısı ve haftalık dijital oyun yayını izleme süresinin anlamlı birer değişken olduğu bulunmuştur. Nonetheless, further empirical research investigating the factors that impact the purchase intentions of those who engage with travel-related social commerce. Uses and gratifications theory is relevant to social media because of its origins in the communications literature. Word-of-mouth has long been an important concept in marketing communications. This research reports on an exploratory study that examined college student behaviors in the vast world of social media. Social media is a communication mechanism that allows users to communicate with thousands, and perhaps billions, of individuals all over the world (Williams et al., 2012). The Uses and Gratification Theory is a theory by Blumer and Katz in which proposes that media users play an active role in choosing and using the media. Download PDF Download. This study investigates the interactivity construct in terms of its antecedents (i.e., motivations for using the Internet) and consequences (i.e., attitude toward the site, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention). Similar constructs in the literature are social motivation (Korgaonkar and, Wolin, 1999), interpersonal utility (Papacharissi and Rubin, 2000), and companionship, (Palmgreen and Rayburn, 1979). Sarah Turney. First, the Uses and Gratifications model ofmedia study must be explained in greater detail, and then its relevance to modemmedia must be proved. The mass media compete with other sources of gratification, but gratifications can be obtained from a medium’s content (e.g. The findings indicate that customers' social commerce purchase intentions are positively impacted by all five factors. There is no limit to the number of use cases for social media sites and different people use them for different reasons [12. Korgaonkar and Wolin (1999). Combining the Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) and TAM, the present study will investigate the relationships between purchases intentions and the following factors: perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, entertainment, interaction and information seeking. Araştırma sonucunda dijital oyun yayını izleyicilerinin yayın izleme motivasyonlarının eğlence boyutunda yaş, öz denetimlilik, haftalık abone olduğu dijital oyun yayıncı sayısı ve haftalık dijital oyun yayını izleme süresinin, oyun ürünleri hakkında bilgi arama boyutunda cinsiyet, yaş, haftalık abone olduğu dijital oyun yayıncı sayısı ve haftalık dijital oyun yayını izleme süresinin anlamlı birer değişken olduğu tespit edilmiştir.