We're filled with joy and laughter! Tigger: Ahem! Now, you swing your legs up high, and you twist your tail in tight. Hoo, hoo. Wind up all your springs, and with your eyes situated straight ahead, you let it all loose. Hello! The Tigger King part 11 - Meet Gopher and Eeyore. Tigger: Oh. (does the Whoop-de-Dooper, Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce into the book), Tigger: (singing) The wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are wonderful things, Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs, They're bouncy trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one, Tiggers are cuddly fellas, Tiggers are awfully sweet, Everyone else is jealous, that's why I repeat and repeat, The wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are marvelous chaps, They're loaded with vim and vigor, they love to leap in your laps, They're jumpy bumpy, clumpy, pumpy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. I got a great party-type, family-type game we can play. If you calculate the specific Tiggerjectory, of your stripecelleration dicipherus, by the square boot of your rebounce, your vertical situituation indicator, and your stripersonic springnertia should ric-a-ticochet, your hydranific fu-silly-age, into an accelerometric de-orbit! Pooh, do you think you could? Kanga: Well, I'm sure you'll be able to do it in time, dear. How are you gonna know which tree is your family tree? We looked every which and where, not to mention right over there, and not a single stripedy tree in sight. Grrr! Ooh, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! "We're always there for ya." Owl gasps and then, Roo coughs]. Now we can go bouncin'. Pooh: Poor Tigger, all alone in the cold. "Dear Tigger-" (gasps) Tigger! Fun, ain't it? [He sees three squirrels chattering and climbing up a tree. He's the only one who ever says he knows what he's doing. It was reuploaded on Google Drive on 12-9-15. Narrator: And like most small boys, Christopher Robin had toy animals to play with. Hold on, Tiggers! Say, you want to go bouncin' with me, on account of bouncin's what Tiggers do- eh, best. [The camera pans out to reveal a pound with frogs who has stripes like Tigger. Tigger: Did ya? Piglet: Tig-g-g-ger! (He throws the stool into the fireplace.). Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! I'm comin', Tiggers! I should have seen it all along. [As it turns out that an avalanche was coming. Ha, ha, ha! Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! Eeyore: If we break things up and knock things down and leave the place a mess That's the thing that Tigger does the best (spoken) l oughta know. It's not safe out here. It's all right in my letter. Tigger: Teach ya the W-D-double-L-A-O-B? Tigger: Well, I happen to know someone...who's extremely fascinatin', not to mention handsome and debonairy. And for Piglet, old pal, a winter's worth of firewood. Roo: Maybe another lesson? 7:13. (Rabbit slams the door.). Tigger: Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! [The scene switches to stuffed animals of Kanga and Roo], [Then the scene points to the window sill and on it is the Winnie The Pooh stuffed animal and book then as the book opens the narrator continues]. You know. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! Excellent advice. Narrator: And together, they had many remarkable adventures... [The scene switches to a stuffed animal of Tigger as the narrator continues]. No time for dawdling. Gathering firewood! Tigger: Oh, you know, that bounce I bounc-ed when I bounced that big rock, the most hardest bounce of all that only the very bestest bouncers can bounce. Ho, ho! Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! Tigger: You're very welcome. We found them! My Friends Tigger and Pooh Tiggers Day at the You See Um Skunks Non Scents. Speaking of family, why, my very own family portraits hang right over there, a collection I've gathered throughout the years. Eeyore? Hundreds of thousands of Tiggers! Kanga: Yes, and what a lovely decorations. Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too HD Clip Disney Cooldisneylandvideos Hbvideos. Roo: M-Maybe there's another way to reach 'em. Roo! Some thingamabob or an heir-i-loom or something. No! Full of uncles and aunties... and grand-Tiggers and second-cousin Tiggers! Roo: We gotta go find him! Wake up! Roo: It was, wasn't it? Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Ha, ha! You didn't have to go looking for them. Ha ha ha ha! The more you try, the more you fly. Ta-ta for ever! It must run in the family. In fact, I do believe that... Owl: ...the very seed of my family began to germinate as far back as the 14th century, when a great-great-great grand-uncle of mine... Owl: ...went out on a limb and proclaimed his blossoming love... to a blooming young maid. Tigger: Empty. Winnie the Pooh and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is an-all new Pooh's Adventures film by Disneydaniel93 It appeared on YouTube on August 1st 2009. Oh, uh, help. Roo: I-l could do the Whooper Dooper, uh- The Looper Dooper, uh- If you teach me. What is you guyses doin' here? We found them! Create a free account. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! The Tigger King is TheBeckster1000's second movie-spoof of "The Lion King". Uh, no, not this one. It was all a big joke. Stay safe and sound." Tigger: Aw, hoo! Piglet: Uh, Pooh bear, uh, a-are you stuck? It's me! There! Or Until the next Thursday anyways. Piglet: Uh- Uh, Hello, Tigger family member. Wait! Ahem! Roo! Tigger: Rule number 1: Always bounce in a Well-lit area. Roo: I'm practising the Whoop-de-Doop-Tee Bounce. He'll be so disappointed. And speaking of wonderful things... Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! Tigger is a fictional tiger character originally introduced in the 1928 story collection The House at Pooh Corner, the sequel to the 1926 book Winnie-the-Pooh by A. Piglet. It's a thingamabob. Rule number the-next-one: Never bounce near an open flame. (he bounces over to Kanga’s house) Hello there! there aren't any other Tiggers. Is it- Is it- My family tree! Piglet: Well, I-l-l've been, uh-- Oop. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! (closing the book) It seems to me that most of these stories are about that silly old bear. Tigger: Rule number four: Do not forget rule number-, Roo: And then you let it all loose with a-, Tigger: I think you let it a little too loose. Piglet: Hello! Is that you? Ha, ha, ha! You should be covering the windows! Ha, ha! The TiggerBob TigerPants Movie part 11 - Shell City; The TiggerBob TigerPants Movie part 12 - The Kronk/Ariel Stalls Triton/Tigger vs. Soto 0:49. catchin' uppin' we gotta do. Owl: There they are! Piglet: Pooh bear? The Tigger Movie begins with a familiar opening. Tigger: Tiggers! Tigger: It looks like the whole family is finally here! He misses you very much, you see. Pooh: I suppose there's only one way to find out, Piglet. Let me get that, please. Hmph. All: And that is how to be a Tigger How to be a Tigger, how to be a Tigger is up to you You've got to look like a Tigger and sound like a Tigger And act like a Tigger.... Rabbit: Oh, thank goodness I found you all here. Hi ya, buddy bear. They all landed in the mud. Tigger: Tut, tut, tut. Piglet: B-B-Bouncing? Help yourself to the cream and sugar. Pooh: Yes! Oh, hoo, hoo! (to Rabbit) And for you, long ears, I promise from now on, I'll always watch where I'm bouncin'. Kanga: Well, uh, I suppose it might say, um, "dress warmly"? Yum! Hoo, hoo, hoo! All: And that is how to be a Tigger How to be a Tigger How to be a Tigger is up to you You've got to look like a Tigger and sound like a Tigger And act like a Tigger too. Winter is here, and you aren't even ready. Hoo, hoo! Cummings's first voice role was as Lionel the Lion and Aunt Fira in Dumbo's Circus. I can't wait. Tigger: Why, that's obvious, Roo boy. I have officially completed... the plans. Roo: But aren't there other Tiggers? Wake up, Tigger! Piglet: Pooh bear's been up in that tree an awful long time, don't you think? Something isn't right here. This... is the exact thingamabob I was lookin' for. Hold these here while I put those there. Where are ya, Tiggers? But, it happens to belong to a boy named Christopher Robin. Why don't you go find him yourselves? And you twist your tail in tight. [Suddenly, Tigger's voice echos through the air. If only these bees were a bit less... busy. Pooh: We must take care to stick together. As Richard Sherman said, it's the kind of picture Walt would have made. Pooh: [takes of the mask] We only wanted to help, Tigger. And here is the best part of all. "Eat well. Mm-hmm. Rabbit: A- A little more over there. Narrator: At last, the day had come to an end, as days often will. Maybe I've been going about this all the wrong way upside down. A veritable work of art. Now, what'd you want to talk about, Pooh boy? Pooh: And so we will. Winnie the Pooh: Yes. Tigger! Pooh: I suspect that he, or she, would be rather more bouncy than usual, Piglet. Roo: Yeah, we do. What we need is- Think, think, think. Rabbit: The plans... for removing this boulder... and restoring to Eeyore, uh, his happy home. Look at what I got. Well, then, uh, T. T. F. N.! I found it! You wind up all your springs, and with your eyes fixed straight ahead, ya let it all loose and go, "Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!". It is the second theatrical Winnie the Pooh film after The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and features Pooh's … Tigger: You betcha, Roo boy. That's who! [Then the scene switches to stuffed animals of Eeyore and Rabbit, then goes up to a drawer on the dresser and we see a stuffed animal of Piglet]. "Dress warmly." TheBeckster1000's eleventh part of "The Lion King". Been known to happen. I'm comin' to get ya! Comments . My very own Tigger family! You've bounced me lots and lots of times. Right there! There's Tigger! Christopher Robin: Very well done indeed. [The book falls over with Tigger still in it, but he props it back up again and uses various parts of the title page and the tree to create the film's title, "The Tigger Movie". He became a sailor... and fell in with a member of the feline persuasion. A letter, a letter for me! Maybe what I need to do is find some sort of clue as to where are their whereabouts. ), https://transcripts.fandom.com/wiki/The_Tigger_Movie?oldid=159996. Piglet: Ha, ha. Tigger: Hello, you blokes! Tigger: And for Pooh boy, enough honey to last all the winter! Tigger: I wonder why nobody wants to bounce with me. I didn't mean to make him feel bad. Welcome, dear brothers, to the house of Tigger! All you need is a little bouncin'. Narrator: Now, Tigger was so enormously excited... that his friends couldn't help but feel, well, a bit concerned. Rabbit: Huh? Hoo, hoo! Could my auntie have made this for me? Wouldn't that be great? Pardon me, Mr. or Mrs. Tigger, but could you perhaps accompany me back to Tigger's house? Don't be shy. He began partially replacing Paul Winchell as Tigger, before fully replacing him as the character in 2000's The Tigger Movie.In 1991, he ventured to Warner Bros. As their love blossomed, they eventually... Owl: ...were blessed with nine fine young saplings. Piglet: Ooh, ooh, ooh! Piglet: D-Do you think it could be Tigger's family up there, Pooh bear? I'm gonna see my whole family! Tigger: "Dear-" They call me "dear." And then a little twist, like such. And good mornin', Mrs. Kanga, ma'am! Just as my tummy suspected. [Tigger slipping on the ice and and the necklace sliding on the ice.] Owl: Yes, such as, "Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! Pooh: I wasn't worried at all, except for the part where I was worried, of course. It's almost amusing. We just gotta! I was gonna tell him, but I couldn't. I gotta be bouncing along! In Roo's room]. Piglet? Tigger: There's momsey Tiggers and popsey Tiggers And Tiggers I never knew Like sister Tiggers and brother Tiggers And cousin Tiggers too There's grandma Tiggers and grandpa Tiggers as you can plainly see When we're all together it's a jumpin 'jamboree Round, round the family tree I look like them and they look like me Round, round my family tree We're a happy family There's huge slews of nephew Tiggers uncle Tiggers by the ton Whipper snappin' grandpappy Tiggers and grandma Tiggers are fun There's skinny, little tiny, little thin, little Tiggers Roly-poly Tiggers too But we're all relations and we're quite a mighty crew Round, round my family tree I look like them and they look like me Round, round my family tree We're a happy family. Any questions? He searched high. Why, there's lots of firewood. Maybe this belonged to my uncle! Aaaah! To look for more Tiggers? Tigger: Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! Rabbit: Absolutely not. In the classic tradition of Disney's animated feature films, The Tigger Movie weaves magical storytelling, charming characters, and memorable songs into an enchanting tale of adventure and heart. At least I haven't lost sight of what's really important. Movin' that old thing? Mervinconroy74. So long, beak lips! Sora's Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (Part 1) Joshua Smith. I could use another balloon or two dozen. The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper Ali-Ooper Bounce The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper Ali-Ooper Bounce It's got the zip that makes you flip and that's what really counts In the Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper Ali-Ooper Bounce Now, half this bounce is percent mental. Not very drafty. Because there's nothin' better than the best! Meine Freunde Tigger und Puuh Music Video (My Friends Tigger And Pooh_ Super Sleuth Christmas Movie).mp4 - Trailer (English) Moviepilot. Tigger: Exactakly! [He climbs up to his house. I mean, I really did it, didn't I? Kanga! Narrator: But of all his animal friends, Christopher Robin's very best friend was a bear called Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too. The Cat King part 7 - The Elephant Graveyard; The Cat King part 8 - Kings of the Past/"Be Prepared" The Cat King part 9 - The Stampede!/Thomas O'Malley's Death/Oliver Runs Away; The Cat King part 10 - Cat R. Waul Takes Over Pride Rock; The Cat King part 11 - Meet Tigger and Pooh; The Cat King part 12 - Put Your Past Behind You/"Hakuna Matata" Open 'er up. I haven't enough firewood to last for the winter, and-. Ali-Ooper Bounce! 2:20. The film was the first feature-length theatrical Pooh film to not be a collection of previously released shorts. Roo: Pooh, you gotta help me find Tigger! Why didn't I think of thinkin' of that? If we could all be happy, Kanga and Roo: He'll surely see we are his family. Kanga and Roo, start depressurizing the granite extractor. Tigger: Tut, tut, tut! Rabbit: Everything's ruined, and all you can think about is- bouncing? How about pin the tail on the don- Hoo, hoo, hoo. 11:46. 3:49. Just look at all this work we have to do! Ow! Tigger: Round my family tree We're a happy family The firstest-most roots of my family tree Reach way backin history To the braverest, fiercerest noblerest Tiggers You'd ever care to see The heroicest figgers of my ancestor Tiggers Has always been hailed and cheered And the sculpturous grace of our Tiggerous faces Is why we're all revered There were warrior Tiggers Explorier Tiggers And Tiggers of worldly acclaim There were glorious fantazmagorious Tiggers With prizes and fortunes and fame There's the glamorous branch and the amorous branch Of our fabulous family tree And when we sing together We're in perfect harmony Round and round my family tree I look like them and they look like me Round and round my family tree We're a happy family Hee, hee, hee, hee! That'll cheer you up. The branch crack.]. Roo: The Whoop-de-Dooper, Loop-de-Looper, And we'd all be bouncin'! Tigger: Well, of course not, Pooh boy! And that's what really counts! Narrator: But the title already says "Winnie the Pooh". It would just take a minute. Kanga: Now, why wish that when you have a Tigger like Tigger? And I never even knew I had a doo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Never a bough did break-, [The pictures fall on Tigger. No! looking for Tigger's family. B-B-Brrrr! ], [Kanga coughs, Eeyore, on the other hand, already landed in brambles, and he got thorns all over him.]. ", Roo: That's kinda sorta like, like Tigger, but, um.... How to be a Tigger. Roo: Tigger? Don't you have a family somewhere too? I've got serious work to do! Owl: Ah! Pooh: Uh, Tigger, there is a very important matter which I must discuss. Owl: Ah! Rabbit: Yes. He's so bouncy and cheerful. I've got dawdlin' to do. I found it! The song "Someone Like Me" plays], Tigger: But now all at once, I feel so lonely For someone Like me, Tigger: Right now, I'm sort of feelin' downcy I'm just about the loneliest one, Tigger: And deep in my heart, I'm sort of wishin' For someone like me, Tigger: Somebody with springs and things Who laughs and sings And jumps every day Somebody who's... fun, fun, fun Who loves to trounce and pounce And bounce their gloomies away Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo. Now- Now, forget about all this other Tiggers nonsense and come home! Rabbit: "Bouncing will move this boulder." Tigger: Oh, is this perhaps a Tigger family tree up there?